The Birds
“Right, birds can fly so high
And they can shit on your head, yeah
They can almost fly into your eye
And make you feel so scared
But when you look at them and you see that they're beautiful”
Kate Nash 'Birds'
I have a complex relationship with our feathered friends. From a child I have had a fear of birds (and any flying wildlife) flying up around me, to the point that if a Pigeon was on the path in front of me I would stop in my tracks. The fear, panic (of bird and me) and noise of flapping wings could be a constant worry whilst walking in particular areas. BUT, I am also fascinated by these beautiful creatures, spending many hours watching the daily dance, flitting around each other over the bird feeders and have become fiercely protective of my local birds.
In this installation 'The Birds' all of the birds are in flight, with some gently moving in the breeze to create the sense of movement, of confusion and also beauty. The title makes reference to the Alfred Hitchcock film, but it is to celebrate this species as well. Love and fear.
The bird species chosen (from a long list!) for this piece I have connections to, whether they be the garden gang members to ones I have seen in particular at the local nature reserve.
The initial idea for this artwork comes from my 'I Am Here' portrait installation piece, but it also references my early wildlife style and is inspired by stained glass windows and the art of Christian Boltanski.
And they can shit on your head, yeah
They can almost fly into your eye
And make you feel so scared
But when you look at them and you see that they're beautiful”
Kate Nash 'Birds'
I have a complex relationship with our feathered friends. From a child I have had a fear of birds (and any flying wildlife) flying up around me, to the point that if a Pigeon was on the path in front of me I would stop in my tracks. The fear, panic (of bird and me) and noise of flapping wings could be a constant worry whilst walking in particular areas. BUT, I am also fascinated by these beautiful creatures, spending many hours watching the daily dance, flitting around each other over the bird feeders and have become fiercely protective of my local birds.
In this installation 'The Birds' all of the birds are in flight, with some gently moving in the breeze to create the sense of movement, of confusion and also beauty. The title makes reference to the Alfred Hitchcock film, but it is to celebrate this species as well. Love and fear.
The bird species chosen (from a long list!) for this piece I have connections to, whether they be the garden gang members to ones I have seen in particular at the local nature reserve.
The initial idea for this artwork comes from my 'I Am Here' portrait installation piece, but it also references my early wildlife style and is inspired by stained glass windows and the art of Christian Boltanski.